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Rondo, Team USA have “miscommunication”

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Everything is good now between Rajon Rondo and USA Basketball, it was all just a Three’s Company episode.

That is what the Boston Herald is saying on its Celtics Blog (the paper stole that name, by the way):

“There may have been a little miscommunication on that one,” (USA Basketball big cheese Jerry) Colangelo said. “The last go around he was unable to accept an invitation because he was going to be involved in Kendrick Perkins’ wedding.

“I was advised that he would not have interest but that may have been misinformation. But he’s a young player and there will be an opportunity in the future and we have a fluid roster to begin with. I’ve made that pretty clear. So we will revisit that. The door’s not closed.”

So the problem was The Ropers saw Rondo at the wedding -- can’t be Jack’s wedding -- and passed the information along to Colangelo but it wasn’t all the information, so Chrissy had to sort the whole thing out in her ditzy way.

Really? This is what USA Basketball has come to? We can do better here, folks.