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Yes, Kevin Durant still likes OKC

Not every NBA superstar is enamored by the mythology of the big city. Kevin Durant combines the smoothness of his game with incredibly evident passion on the court, but off of it? KD’s just a chill bro. From Mike Baldwin of the Oklahoman:

“I was watching the Larry Bird-Magic Johnson documentary the other day,” Durant said. “I’m similar to Bird. I like being at home. I like staying at my mom’s house and her cooking. That’s the kind of person I am. I’m not into the big city lights and the paparazzi, that type of stuff. I just love playing basketball and chillin’ out.”

..."I’m good in Oklahoma City. I love it here. I like going outside and seeing the neighbors and they say, ‘Hello.’ They make me cookies and give me Skittles. There are cities you may not get that.”

Other players in the NBA share Durant’s mindset, but it’s his rare combination of talent, mentality, and personality that make him such an intriguing character. He’ll never be a sound bite machine or a goofy entertainer. He’s just Kevin Durant, NBA mega-star and the founder and chairman of Oklahoma City basketball.

The culture that Sam Presti has created with the Thunder, their success this season, and the city’s atmosphere are all reasons that will compel Durant to stay. So sit back, chill out, and enjoy Durant’s drama-less, non-existent free agency period. He’ll be inked to an extension long before he can even think about putting a foot out the door (not that he’d want to), and while LeBron, Wade, and Bosh will go through a media tour this summer, Durant just isn’t that kind of guy.