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Boston’s potential advantage in 2024 Olympic bid race


Boston Riverwalk

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The chairman of Boston 2024’s potential Olympic bid committee believes the city has a 75 percent chance to be chosen as the U.S. bid for the 2024 Olympics.

A big reason for that optimism is how compact the Olympics could be in Boston, as opposed to more spread-out outlines in the other 2024 U.S. candidate cities -- Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

“The city is the Olympic park,” Dan O’Connell, president of the Boston 2024 Partnership, told the Boston Globe. “It becomes a public-transit and walking Olympics.”

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The newspaper ran a front-page story on Boston’s 2024 bid chances Tuesday, comparing it with the three other cities vying for a potential U.S. bid for 2024.

The USOC isn’t expected to decide if it will actually bid until after an International Olympic Committee session in December.

The U.S. hasn’t hosted a Summer Olympics since Atlanta 1996 (its last Winter Games were Salt Lake City 2002). Paris, Rome and a German or South African city, among others, have been discussed as potential bids, too.

The IOC will vote on the 2024 host city in 2017.

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