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Maybe VCU’s band leader isn’t retiring after all


So remember all that talk about VCU’s band leader retiring?

Well, it may not quite be over yet.

If you remember, Ryan Kopacsi, a nation-wide fan favorite and the energetic leader of The Peppas for the last 15 years, more or less announced his resignation on Monday night on Facebook.

VCU, however, hadn’t heard anything form Kopacsi on the matter.

“The VCU Athletics Department learned last night via Facebook that Ryan Kopacsi has decided to retire from serving as director of The Peppas,” the school said in a statement they released. “However, VCU Athletics has not received a formal letter of resignation from Ryan and continues contract discussions with him, working through the University process before a final decision is made.”

“We take all contract negotiations seriously and honor their confidentiality until a final agreement is reached.”

Think about that. VCU had to release a statement on the contract status of their band leader. How often does that happen? I’d put down a car payment on this being the first time.

But wait. There’s more.

Later on Tuesday afternoon, Kopacsi posted this on his facebook page: “I also want to thank VCU, who has reached out to me to continue discussions regarding my contract. I hope there can be a resolution in the next day or two.”

Maybe this isn’t a done deal yet.

And maybe you know it’s August when we’re posting on back-to-back days about a band leader.

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