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Adrian Beltre is friggin’ nuts

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Yeah, maybe that’s in bad taste given his injury last year, but when you go through that kind of nightmare and still continue to act irrationally you’re not going to get much sensitivity from me:

Seattle manager Don Wakamatsu insisted Beltre wear a cup when he came back from the injury. It didn’t last long.

“I wore it for a couple of days so they think I’m wearing it,’' said Beltre. “After that I stopped. At the end of the year, I was back to natural.’'

But why on Earth would he go back to the hot corner without protection?

“That’s a good question,’' Beltre said. “I don’t know yet. I’m going to try it in spring training and see how it goes. I should, but it just doesn’t seem comfortable. I tried to wear it before, but I just don’t feel right. It just isn’t comfortable . . . They say I’m crazy not to wear the cup. But I say, if the ball’s going to hit me there every 11 1/2 years, I’ll take my chances.”

Show of hands: how many of you would take a traumatic testicle injury every decade or so in exchange for being a tad more comfortable on a day to day basis?