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Alfredo Aceves’ role is up in the air

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Alfredo Aceves got suspended for three days for “conduct detrimental to the team” ends after tonight’s game. Bobby Valentine said today, however, that it’s unclear what role he’ll play in the Sox bullpen once he’s back. He did explain what lesson he’s trying to communicate here, however:

“It just deals with being responsible for your actions and understanding that all actions have consequence. It’s just a simple rule. Remember, I don’t have a lot of rules, but one of the rules I stated early on is that you don’t do anything to embarrass yourself, your teammates or your organization.”

Thing is, Aceves was no great shakes as closer, so him acting out was probably a blessing in disguise. He blew seven saves in 32 opportunities with a 4.60 ERA. Given that the competitive portion of the Red Sox season is over, it’s probably best to see what else they have in the pen as the season winds down than to give the job back to the guy that emoted his way out of it just a few days ago.