I’m not following the World Cup closely enough to be able to say anything all that insightful. I know that England gave us that goal we got in the first game. I know we got boned this morning in the Slovenia game. I know that everyone hates the vuvuzelas too.
In fact, these plastic horns are so hated that some baseball teams -- most notably the Yankees -- have issued a peremptory ban on fans bringing them into the ballpark. The ban is less to prevent the actual annoyance than because there is a non-trivial chance that anyone who blows one of those things at the ballpark will be murdered, and that’s a lot of paperwork the Yankees don’t need.
But never fear, fans of obnoxiously awful things, the Marlins got your back!
I’m not sure what’s funnier: that the Marlins think anyone would want to sit and listen to that awful buzz or that there will be 15,000 people at the ballpark on Saturday to get one.