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Bengie Molina: Class Act

Bengie Molina has a great account of his trade from the Giants to the Rangers up on his blog. In it he talks about how trades affect families, how he heard about it all (i.e. from teammates who are faster on the Blackberry draw than he was) and how his final hours with the Giants went down. Moving stuff:

One by one, my teammates - especially the pitchers - gave me hugs and thanked me for the help I had given them over the years. When we were all on the bus heading to the hotel, I stood up in the aisle and faced the team.

“I just want to say thanks for being such great teammates and for taking care of me. I’m really going to miss you guys,’' I said. “You have what it takes to win this thing, and I’m going to watching as much as I can. You guys have my number. Even if I’m not your teammate any more, I’ll always be your friend.’'

I was about to sit down when everyone started to clap. Then they stood and clapped some more. It was an amazing feeling.

Read the whole post. He even goes out of his way to praise Buster Posey, the guy who essentially made him expendable.

Moina sounds like a class act.