Anybody taking the hard line stance today that pitchers should be wearing helmets, need to get out their tool kits and make a good one.
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) May 8, 2013
Otherwise, you’re accomplishing less than nothing. This goes for news organizations especially.
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) May 8, 2013
There is no discussion to be had. It’s simple. Want money? Invent something that protects pitchers heads at all levels, make a ton of it.
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) May 8, 2013
He’s right in that “make pitchers wear helmets” doesn’t solve anything because helmets won’t protect every spot on which a pitcher is vulnerable. There have been some recent inventions of modified helmets for pitchers that allege better protection--a padded hat, for instance--but so far at least they haven’t advanced to the point of being viable in the majors.
So yeah, I agree with McCarthy that someone shouting about what should be done right now is probably just shouting to shout, but as far as a general discussion about something it’s still pretty damn important and will hopefully convince some smart people to “get out their tool kits and make a good one
(Incidentally, you should follow McCarthy on Twitter because he’s funny and smart and interesting.)