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Rob Manfred* to Tony Clark: “lighten up, Francis”

Rob Manfred

MLBPA director Tony Clark wants Major League Baseball to investigate anonymous quotes from executives regarding Stephen Drew and Kendrys Morales. Baseball’s Chief Operating Officer Rob Manfred tells him not to hold his breath:

“Over the years, I have learned that it is a waste of time to pay attention to anonymous quotes which may or may not be genuine. Given that the regular season is well under way, it is hard to imagine that anonymous comments would have any effect whatsoever on the market for any individual player. There are many other factors that better explain the current situation faced by a very small number of free agents.”

Better factors: those two not taking qualifying offers, the MLBPA miscalculating how teams would value draft picks when agreeing to the qualifying offer system, etc.

*This post originally had it as Bud Selig issuing the statement, not Manfred. Apologies. It’s Friday at 5:30. I’m pretty much over reading my email all that closely for the week.