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Derek Jeter got married

derek jeter getty

Sorry, America. Your favorite bachelor is no longer eligible. Derek Jeter married his longtime girlfriend, Hannah Davis. Congrat2lation2, you 2.

TMZ has photos of the ceremony, which took place at the Meadowood resort in Napa Valley. The New York Post says former Yankee teammates Jorge Posada, Andruw Jones and Tino Martinez were in attendance.

No word on which of them caught the garter. I hope it was Jorge. If the catcher caught it I could maybe spin another post out of this fluff piece. Or maybe Andruw had a bead on it but couldn’t quite get there. It would allow for a poignant story about how Father Time affects even formerly all-world center fielders.

I dunno. There isn’t a lot of news spinning out of the All-Star Game yet. I’ve got very little to work with and it’ll be months or maybe years before we can start talking about Jeter and Davis’ kids. Until then we’ll just kill time with baseball stuff.

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