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Doc Gooden: “Letter to my Younger Self”

Doc Gooden

An excellent piece in the Players’ Tribune today from Doc Gooden. It’s a “Letter to My Younger Self.” You can imagine what the idea is there by the title, but you would be wrong to think of it as some overly-earnest or sappy thing.

To the contrary: it’s matter-of-fact and, actually, kind of funny in places. He’s not just telling the young Dr. K to stay away from drugs -- that’s pretty obvious and he spends only a moment or two on it -- but he’s telling him about the stuff in his life that may have been more fundamentally harmful to him and which set the stage for some of his excesses.

Oh, and he tells himself he should’ve invested in Checkers Drive-In. And this:

Take a moment to thank the Lord that social media will not exist during your playing career. The entire ‘86 Mets team probably would have been locked up.
