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Fan who fell at Coors Field dies

Coors Field

The logo of the Colorado Rockies is painted on the field behind home plate at Coors Field as members of the San Diego Padres and Colorado Rockies prepare for the Rockies’ home-opening home baseball game in Denver on Friday, April 9, 2010. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)


Ugh. The fan who fell from a stairway at Coors Field on Tuesday has died, reports the Denver Post. His name was Robert Seamans of Pueblo, Colorado. He was 27.

Sadly, it seems like his death was totally preventable: Seamans was attempting to slide down the railing when he lost his balance. The picture accompanying the article in the Post shows the stairway in question. It doesn’t look like a good place for horseplay. The only silver lining here is that Seamans was an organ donor and his organs were able to be harvested to so that others may live.

Do yourself and society a favor, folks: (a) don’t do dangerous things; and (b) become an organ donor.