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Gary Matthews: The Mets are crybabies


This was fun. As I mentioned in the comments, Mike Pelfrey got into it for a second with Placido Polanco when he thought Polanco was trying to stick his elbow out to get on base via a HBP. In the booth, Phillies broadcaster Gary Matthews called the team “crybabies.”

Later, according to Andy Martino of the Daily News, a reporter asked Matthews about the comment. I’m guessing the reporter was Martino himself, but j-school teaches those guys never to put themselves in the story if they can help it. Imagine if Hunter S. Thompson followed that rule. Anyway, we got this:

“Tell them Sarge said it - the Mets are crybabies,” Matthews repeated to the reporter, an earnest, Jimmy Olsen-type. “That’s why they lose.”

Announcer and reporter parted, then Matthews doubled back. He closed his fists and made crying motions under his eyes. “Make sure you have tears, like this,” he said.

I gotta tell ya, that is first class taunting by Sarge, there. I doff my cap and give a little bow. Own that stuff. Don’t apologize if you mean it. And if you do mean it, make it entertaining and unequivocal.