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Get to know your celebrity Cubs fans

Pirates v Cubs

CHICAGO - APRIL 12: Celebrity Bill Murray clowns around with Chicago media before the opening day game between the Chicago Cubs and the Pittsburgh Pirates on April 12, 2004 at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois. The Pirates defeated the Cubs 13-2. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)

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With the Cubs two wins away from the World Series, the Associated Press is asking an important question: which celebrities will be happy if Chicago wins it all?

Bill Murray, of course. Everyone knows he’s a Cubs fan. Eddie Vedder. Nick Offerman and Stephen Colbert. George Will’s Cub fandom is known by people who care about George Will. His answer about the genesis of his Cubs fandom is somewhat peculiar, though:

“I grew up in Champaign, midway between Chicago and St. Louis,” he said. “My friends became Cardinals fans and grew up cheerful and liberal and I, for reasons I don’t understand, became a Cubs fan.”

While geography can certainly weigh in on one’s political orientation and on one’s sports fandom, I wasn’t aware that political orientation and sports fandom were linked in any robust way. I guess if you take a big scoop of Braves fans, for example, you’ll find more conservatives because you’re also scooping southerners and if you take a big scoop of, say, Giants fans you’ll find more liberals because you’re also scooping Bay Area people, but I wasn’t aware that the scoops work the way Will says they do in central Illinois. Oh well, the more you know.

There’s no corresponding story about celebrity Dodgers fans because, well, all of the celebrities are assumed to be Dodgers fans until they make a point of claiming other fandom, usually around the time of the World Series. Like Paul Rudd and that guy from “Modern Family” did with the Royals in 2014. Each time a newish team makes the Series we learn who their celebrity fans are, but I don’t think the Dodgers get that privilege, even if they haven’t been in the thing for 28 years.

In other news, Tom Hanks is apparently an Indians fan. Had no idea. I thought it was just Drew Carey, by himself, wearing the old Wahoo. So I guess there are two of them.

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