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Hey guys, baseball is dying again

baseball grass

Every fall, like clockwork. These are becoming more ubiquitous than BSOHL stories during spring training:

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And of course totally vapid and ill-informed about the economics and nature of baseball. But what else is new?

These clowns are doing nothing but channeling ancient nostalgia imported from a time when baseball was the only major sport and trafficking in standard old man “people don’t have attention spans anymore and all of these newfangled devices are just so consarned confusing.

Best part -- and while this is a paraphrasing of an exchange, it’s a mild paraphrase -- “baseball is too long, except football games are longer but football games are all meaningful except tonight’s meaningless Jets game will get great ratings.”

And baseball players take drugs and football players never do.

These morons, by the way, make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to be experts despite the fact that they are, at best, superficially correct about a narrow thing that matters little and are otherwise wholly ignorant of the subject about which they speak.