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Jim Crane is the sole bidder for the Astros

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Last we heard of Drayton McLane’s efforts to sell the Astros, he was speaking to three potential bidders. The only one whose identity we knew was Jim Crane, the Houston businessman who (a) at one time a couple of years ago tried to buy the Astros; and (b) last year almost landed the Rangers in a partner-up deal with Mark Cuban. Now, however, there is a sole bidder and it’s just Crane. Zach Levine reports.

It’s been a while since we had a quick, seamless and drama-free transfer of ownership. But it looks like we’re going to get it here.

Note to Jim: If you take over, go back to emphasizing orange and blue. Maybe even using the logo to the right, with Minute Maid Park’s picture replacing the dome. And even if you don’t go that far, at least give them back the caps with the capital H superimposed over the star. Classics never go out of style, man.