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Julio Franco, still going at age 56

Julio Franco
They will take the bat away from Julio Franco when they pry it from his cold, dead hands:

Indy ball Ishikawa Million Stars have reached agreement with Julio Franco. He’ll serve as player-manager.

— Kazuto Yamazaki (@Kazuto_Yamazaki) February 8, 2015

The Million Stars are part of Japan’s independent “Challenge League.” Also on that team: Eri Yoshida, the woman knuckleballer who made some headlines stateside a few years back.

Franco is 56. Last year he served as a player-manager for the Fort Worth Cats of the independent United Baseball League. He last played in the bigs in 2007 at 49. He was still a very useful big leaguer back when he was with the Braves between the ages of 43 and 47. After the nuclear war, he’ll be the last ballplayer standing, I guarantee it.

(Via CBS)