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Lew Wolff is pretty brave

Lew Wolff

The A’s fan base is not exactly a happy one. The best players are being shipped off. Again. Costs are being cut. Division rivals are spending like there’s no tomorrow. The owner has behaved as though the very act of playing baseball in Oakland these past few years and for the next few is some sort of personal affront. And then the “Moneyball” movie is out there, taunting everyone with memories of when the team used to, you know, win.

And into that mix team owner Lew Wolff will wade this Sunday as he meets the fans at the team’s first Fan Fest thing in years:

Wolff is making himself available to fans at the Coliseum on Sunday as part of the team’s resurrected fan fest, which was skipped the past three years. Fans can meet the managing general partner one on one to “discuss a variety of topics in an intimate setting,” according to an A’s news release.

Probably has to be intimate to keep mobs from forming.