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“Life in Frank McCourt’s ghost town”

Empty Dodger Stadium

In what is becoming something of a series over at the Los Angeles Times, Bill Plaschke writes a column today about what it’s like to go to a Dodgers game now that the McCourt fan boycott is in full swing. Those who have been to Dodger Stadium before will not recognize Plaschke’s description:

We put our feet up on the seat in front of us. We spread our arms across the seats between us. There were no heads to block our view. There was little sound to distract our attention. Down below, the Dodgers and Reds battled each other as if they were Little Leaguers playing for a handful of parents. It was actually pretty cool. Life in Frank McCourt’s Ghost Town is eerie, but it has its advantages.

Doin’ a heckuva a job there, Frankie!