UPDATE: Well, it appears as though the Post has taken the pitch and the story down. Was it b.s.? Was it the next zillion-dollar media project and no one wants it seen yet? NO MAN CAN SAY!
3: 48 PM: Well, it’s not called that. It’s a book pitch, actually, which is simultaneously being shopped to movie producers, as these things tend to happen in package deals. The New York Post has obtained it. It’s from Miami New Times reporter Tim Elfrink, who broke the original Biogenesis story. If you want to read the whole thing, go to the bottom of this post and check it out.
The Post offers the highlights, including stuff about A-Rod using PEDs all the way back to high school. And how the unraveling of Biogenesis -- and thus the ruin of A-Rod -- can be traced back to Melky Cabrera’s positive PED test in 2012. After that Anthony Bosch lost all of his big money clients (except A-Rod) and started to get into spats with employees and coworkers over money and things and that’s what led to Porter Fischer turning on Bosch and the while thing spilling out into the open.
Most Valuable Melky?
Anyway: I’m guessing this doesn’t get very far. I mean, who plays A-Rod in the movie anyway?
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