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R.B.I. Baseball will return in 2014

rbi baseball logo

R.B.I. Baseball was the most popular baseball video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was not the best baseball game for the NES -- that title belongs to Baseball Stars -- but R.B.I. had player name licensing from the MLBPA and came out with yearly editions so it flourished over Stars and the also-under-appreciated Bad News Baseball and Bases Loaded during the late 80s and early 90s.

Now all you millions of R.B.I. Baseball fans get to take another ride. MLBAM, the league’s interactive media wing, has announced a spring launch for an R.B.I. Baseball reboot on all current-generation consoles and mobile devices. There isn’t much more information yet -- only a Twitter feed, a one-page website and a logo -- but the game is coming and will be the first attempt at a console product for the MLBAM folks.

We’ll assume that the R.B.I. Baseball 2014 presentation will be significantly different from the NES versions that hit North American shelves in 1988, 1989 and 1990. Which really is too bad ...

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