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Sveum: Castro’s mistake is “the last straw”

Starlin Castro

Chicago Cubs’ Starlin Castro speaks to reporters about his off-the-field troubles prior to afternoon spring training baseball practice, Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, in Mesa, Ariz. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)


Yesterday Starlin Castro lost track of the number of outs in the fifth inning of yesterday’s game and allowed the Giants to score what proved to be the winning run. After the game, Cubs manager Dale Sveum has put Castro on notice:

“It’s the last straw. If he wants to play, he better start getting his head in the game. Period ... It’s not acceptable. These things got to stop happening or we’re just going to stop playing. These are things that my son does in high school – maybe.”

Something tells me that the son of a former big leaguer and current big league manager wouldn’t make that kind of mistake, actually.

As for Castro: he apologized to his teammates after the game. But still: dude is not a rookie anymore. And there are too many decisions to be made at shortstop to allow for that kind of bubbleheaded crap. He really needs to shape up.

Oh, and one small quibble: unless Sveum actually benches Castro now, this was technically the penultimate straw at best, right?