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The ballpark of tomorrow

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The Chicago Tribune has a story contemplating what the ballpark of tomorrow may look and feel like. Holograms! Smart-everything! Virtual reality!

Even in the next few years, Santee anticipates noticeable changes at ballparks — video boards with 4K screens, for one. Another is virtual reality clubs that might allow fans to try to replicate that diving stop they just saw J.J. Hardy make, for example.

“You could walk into it and all three dimensions of the room would be part of the game,” Santee said. “You could be the guy in the outfield. One wall is the outfield, you’ve got fans on three sides. You go in there and you feel like you are completely part of the game.”

I love stuff like this. Sure, it may all be wrong, but future-gazing, even if wrong, is fun and a little uplifting even if it’s silly now and will look even sillier when the future one day comes. Plus, it reminds me of the old “World of Tomorrow” cartoons from the 40s and 50s. With the added bonus of there not being anywhere near the level of sick, twisted violence towards mothers-in-law.

But if you can get past that bit, have some laughs: