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Anthony Randolph is on the block

Can I interest you in an athletic legend of Summer League, an incredibly talented but young and injured player? If so, Anthony Randolph can be yours if the price is right,

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If he does bounce back, you get a lot of potential. Randolph has a world of raw talent, he is athletic, can get his own shot and finish at the rim. His shooting percentage is a bit low but if you could get him to stop taking those 16- to 23-foot jumpers he can’t hit (just 33% this season) things would be a lot better. He’s had other growing pains in the league (like learning to defend), but he is also the second youngest player in the league and only in his second season. He has room to grow out of those pains.

Because of that, Riley is going to anger a lot of Bay Area fans if and when he trades Randolph. But he has already taken plenty of heat for cutting Speedy Claxton, and his $5.2 million expiring contract and trade bait, rather than trying to get something for him. Riley doesn’t seem to mind the heat.

Trading for an injured player goes against every general manager’s instinct. But if you can wait, what young building team could not use a 6' 10" forward that can run the floor and score inside?