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Byron Scott would coach anyone, even the Clippers

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Here’s how you can tell someone is in full job search mode: They say any job sounds good. Cleaning out portable toilets at an amusement park? Sure, I can see myself doing that. Great chance for advancement.

Coaching the Clippers? Sure, great opportunity.

The second of those is something Byron Scott said on a Los Angeles radio interview Monday. He wants to coach again in the NBA. Badly. Badly enough to take any job.

One some levels the Clippers are a tempting team for a coach: They have some talent with Baron Davis and Chris Kaman, not to mention when Blake Griffin returns he will remind people why he was the number one overall pick. Some decent role players there, too. But the flip side is this is a franchise that never wins, and has an owner more concerned with the bottom line than Ws. Put simply: This is an organization mired in a losing mentality and one coach can’t change that if there are not changes above him.

And for the Clippers, Scott could give them a credibility boost -- a former Lakers star who has coached a team all the way to the NBA Finals (Nets) and had some success everywhere he has been.

But Scott isn’t getting the Clippers job anyway. Remember how he lost his team and players in New Orleans (and New Jersey, for that matter)? His first clash of personalities in the Big Easy was with Baron Davis -- now the Clippers starting point guard and center of the team. Not sure even the Clippers want to try to reconcile that marriage.

Besides, the job Scott really wants is down the hall in Staples Center anyway. He’d be a bad fit right now for that spot, as well, but that’s another story.