[Bailey and the Clippers] came to an agreement before the Clippers returned home after their road trip and Bailey was back in his usual seat in Section 107 on March 11 when the Clippers played the Golden State Warriors.
The agreement was more of a clarification than anything else. The Clippers wanted to be notified of appearances Bailey was making under the “Clipper Darrell” name and also wanted Bailey to be careful of possible endorsement deals he was considering accepting as “Clipper Darrell.”
“We have a mutual understanding of what my role is now,” Bailey said. “Nothing has changed. I’m still doing what I’ve been doing, but I’m letting the Clippers know when I make certain appearances. All these appearances though are through season ticket holders that asked me to come to their kid’s games. People wanted to make it seem like I was making appearances in front of Ralph’s or something. It’s not like that.”
So that’s that. Clipper games and certain kid’s basketball games will continue to feature a man with an impossibly loud voice in a blue-and-red suit chanting “LET’S GO CLIP-ERS!” and “U-G-L-Y, YOU AIN’T GOT NO ALABI, YOU UGLY!” All seems right with the world again.