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Everybody Loves Jeremy Lin

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The last time Harvard had a player in the NBA, the Lakers were champions -- the Minneapolis Lakers. With George Mikan. Dwight Eisenhower was president and children were just getting the first polio vaccines.

Jeremy Lin could change that.

Fans at Summer League in Las Vegas loved him -- he won over a crowd that had come to see John Wall play. And he has won over NBA executives.

The Los Angeles Lakers have started negotiations with his agent, according to Lin played on the Dallas Mavericks Summer League team and is negotiations with them as well. There may be other organizations talking with him as well.

Both Dallas and Los Angeles are pretty stacked at the point guard position, Lin would not see a lot of minutes. But these are also two teams looking for affordable players who can be developed to put at the end of their rosters, and Lin could be that guy.

He’s a coach’s dream in that he just plays hard. He is fearless going to the rim. He is not a guy who is going to get by in the NBA on his athleticism, but he is a guy who has gotten everything out of the talents god gave him as anyone in Vegas.

Looks like he is at least going to get a shot in training camp. And maybe make the roster of a contender.