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Heat make D-League call-up

Looking to add a little front-line depth, the Miami Heat today will call up maybe the most promising big man in the D-League, Alade Aminu.

Ridiculous Upside broke the story, adding that since a mid-season trade to Bakersfield Aminu has averaged 19.3 points, 9.2 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per game. It was expected someone would give him a shot late in the year.

Our own Matt Moore filled us in a little on Aminu over at FanHouse.

Aminu is 6-10 with incredible length. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because his brother Al-Farouq Aminu is a probable lottery pick out of Wake Forest. Alade, however, is not sack of potatoes. He’s got NBA quality length and a solid set of offensive moves. Defensively, he’s your typical raw 22 year old in the D-League. Which means he’s got a lot of work to do.

What’s more, I wouldn’t expect Aminu to be on the roster beyond his 10-day, as the Heat prepare for the playoffs. All that, plus they don’t have that much room on the roster. Still, it’s a positive step for Aminu who will likely find his way up if he keeps improving.