James Harden violated the NBA’s coronavirus protocols, the league determined.
His penalty?
NBA release:
In addition to Monday’s party, Harden was seen partying mask-less in Atlanta and Las Vegas as the Rockets opened training camp earlier this month.
Harden already had coronavirus over the summer. People who have recovered from coronavirus have some resistance to getting it again. There are reasonable arguments players who’ve previously had coronavirus should have lesser restrictions than players who haven’t.
However, the time to make that argument has probably passed. The players’ union agreed to these protocols, and it appears Harden did violate them. He’ll have to face the consequences.
Of course, Harden wants Houston to trade him. He also has a $41,254,920 salary this season. Will he follow the protocols going forward or live his life as he pleases, accepting whatever fines and disruption that brings?
The Rockets-Thunder game, originally scheduled for tonight, was postponed as Houston handles other coronavirus issues.