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Magic Johnson sued for firing personal flight attendant

Magic Johnson

Here is my first takeaway from this story: I need a personal flight attendant. I suppose that means I need a personal plane, which means I need to find a way to make boatloads more money. But I need one.

Magic Johnson had one, but now she is suing him for how and why she was fired last month. Like taking seven minutes too long in fetching turkey from a local deli.

That is what the woman, Latina Thomas, is saying in a lawsuit filed against the NBA Hall of Famer and current Dodger owner and ESPN NBA studio analyst. From the ABC News report (hat tip The Big Lead):

Thomas, 45, is suing Magic Johnson Entertainment and Clay Lacy Aviation, her joint employers, in LA County Superior Court for age discrimination, wrongful termination and multiple labor code violations. Among other things, she claims the defendants failed to provide meal and rest breaks, pay her overtime, or keep accurate records of the hours she worked. She is seeking “compensatory damages” for the wages she was allegedly denied since she began working for him in 2004….

On Sept. 6, after trying to waiting at a deli counter trying to get “two types of specific turkey” for Johnson’s sandwich, she arrived at the plane seven minutes late. Two weeks later, Thomas was fired for being “15 minutes late” for the September 6 flight–a pretext, she alleges, for age discrimination, noting that she was immediately replaced with the (younger) woman who had filled in for her when she was on medical leave.

I’m not going to begin to comment on the veracity of the lawsuit. What I got out of the full article was the Magic wants his plane stocked with Red Vines and they have to be fresh and soft (Thomas claims she had to squeeze them to make sure).

I hate hard Red Vines. See, this is why I need a personal flight attendant.