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McGrady booed in Toronto

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Apparently, they have the Internet up in Canada. Who knew?

On Friday morning , Tracy McGrady talked about why he took the first chance he got to bolt out of Toronto a decade ago and why Chris Bosh may want to do the same this summer. Comments that were widely circulated on the Web.

“He’s been here for quite some time now,” McGrady said. “He personally has been successful. The team really hasn’t done that much. Maybe he wants to start off fresh with another franchise. Or maybe he’s doing it for tax reasons.

“I’m not speaking (for) Chris Bosh. I’m just saying, the individual that wants to move on . . . there are different reasons why a guy wouldn’t want to play (in Toronto).”

Friday night, McGrady was lustily booed by the Raptor fans when he had the ball. McGrady responded with a pedestrian 13 points on 5 of 13 shooting in the Knicks loss.

Bosh has been smart, not talking about the rumors he may decide to leave Toronto. That didn’t stop the New York media from speculating on why Bosh might want to leave a pretty mediocre roster in Toronto for a downright bad one in New York.

Bosh may be the most likely of the big three free agents this summer to move on, but the question is would he leave $30 million on the table? The Raptors have his Bird rights, they can offer one more year (six instead of five) and higher raises in the deal. All totaled, it’s about $30 million.

Toronto could do a sign and trade, but the Knicks and their depleted roster may not be the best partners for that.