Here is our regular look around the NBA — links to stories worth reading and notes to check out (stuff that did not get its own post here at PBT) — done in bullet point form. Because bloggers love bullet points.
• Here is what Cody Zeller was doing right at Summer League.
• You hear a lot of people say “the Thunder should have kept James Harden and let Kendrick Perkins and/or Serge Ibaka go.” It’s just not that simple.
• Remember we told you former NBA player Craig Ehlo had been arrested on a domestic violence charges that included “felony burning” charges. He’s out of jail now but the details of his arrest are a little strange.
• Do you “sleep text?”
• While Ivan Johnson is drawing interest from the Knicks (which means a minimum deal) his agent is also looking at overseas options.
• Mike James remains in negotiations with the Mavericks.
• Nate McMillan is excited to get going as part of the Pacers staff.
• Here is Hawks GM Danny Ferry singing the praises of DeMarre Carroll (not literally).
• Former Florida State star Michael Snaer has gotten an invite to the Brooklyn Nets camp. (That’s as far as he goes with that team this year, but it’s a good opportunity.)
• Darius Johnson-Odom is drawing interest from Italian team Montepaschi Siena. He is a free agent right now.