Steve Nash was bloodied and injured, just another series for him against the San Antonio Spurs. Except this time it was an inadvertent Tim Duncan elbow that left him with an eye almost swollen shut.
That brought back memories of Robert Horry. He has gone in the minds of some from being “Big Shot Bob” to being “Cheap Shot Bob” after he hipchecked Nash in the 2007 NBA Western Conference Finals.
Think Horry regrets that? Think again, as he told XTRA 910 in Phoenix.
“When I came into the league that was just a normal foul in the playoffs. Now, I call it a quarterback league.
“You know from that point on I was labeled ‘Big Cheap Shot.’ If you go back and look at the history of basketball it kind of changed. If you hit guys now you get thrown out of the game. It is the playoffs. You play hard and you foul hard and make sure that people remember you so that deters them from going into the lane and going into the paint. You can be remembered by one thing. That is one of those things that I am infamous for is that foul on Steve Nash. I told everybody that if it was anybody in the World other than Steve Nash, I wouldn’t be talked about right now.”