Lots of teams are holding team practices. There will be a season, you know, eventually, maybe, and at that point, being as far along on your conditioning as possible is going to be crucial. So most teams are pushing to get together and work on chemistry and conditioning.
But not the Celtics.
The old guys plus Rondo not only don’t have plans for a workout, but Rajon Rondo specifically doesn’t’ think they need it, that it’ll help them more to not practice. From Yahoo! Sports:In past years, the Celtics players usually started working out together at the team’s practice facility a month before training camp. That wasn’t possible this season because of the lockout – though not everyone views it as a negative.
“It might help us,” Rondo said. “Fresher legs. Not as much wear and tear without [a normal] training camp.”
via Teams short on preparation after lockout - NBA - Yahoo! Sports.
The Celtics have needed to stay healthy every year since 2008 and it’s been rough. Kevin Garnett has missed a lot of time and the rest of their team has gotten run down, including Shaquille O’Neal next year. It’s not like the big four don’t know how to work together. Still, it seems weird that a team that is so driven to win isn’t in a hurry. Pro’s pros, I guess.