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Wade wants to stay in Miami

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Dwayne Wade has made his intentions clear: He doesn’t want to leave Miami, he wants another superstar player to come to South Beach so he can win another title there. However, if the help doesn’t come to him....

Heat management, that would be the ball in your court.

Wade would be one of the stars of the potentially huge free agent class this summer, but rather than going somewhere else he wants a lure another superstar to come to him

“Yeah, we need to add pieces!” Wade said, busting into laughter at the obviousness of the situation. “Aint’ no question about that!”

Wade says the Heat have not had an elite roster in years. “We’re not one of the top teams in the League,” he explains. “You want to have an opportunity every year. You’re not Magic, you’re not Michael, you’re not Larry. You’re not going to win the championship every year. But you do want to have an opportunity to compete for that. I feel like we haven’t had the opportunity since ’06. I feel like, while I’m in my prime, before my prime leaves me in about four or five years, I want to make sure that I can give my all to the organization.”

Miami should be a tempting destination -- great climate, fun city, no state income tax and on the court Wade surrounded by a pretty good cast of role players. But a second star player is needed to make it work.

Wade’s comments, as much as a public declaration of what he has told Heat management in private, was a sales pitch to other star free agents -- come here and we can win together, we can build a dynasty. And maybe even hit up a South Beach club together. We’ll have to see if Wade is as good a salesman as T-Mobile thinks he is.