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Rio 2016 Olympic, Paralympic mascots unveiled (video)

Rio Olympic mascots

The Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic mascots were unveiled Sunday, along with a public vote to name them.

They are magical creatures with super powers and both male, Rio 2016 brand director Beth Lula said.

The Olympic mascot represents the animals of Brazil -- the agility of cats, sway of monkeys and grace of birds. He can stretch his arms and legs as much as he wants.

The Paralympic mascot represents the plants of Brazilian forests. He can pull any object from his head of leaves.

A public vote is open to name the mascots here.

The Olympic mascot name choices are Oba and Eba, Tiba Tuque and Esquindim and Vinicius and Tom. The former names are for the Olympic mascot and the latter for the Paralympic mascot.

The names will be announced Dec. 14.

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