Have you heard the rumor linking (now former) AC Milan star Fillipo Inzaghi to the Chicago Fire? If not, let me get you up to date, though fair warning: There’s no reason to put too much thought into this one. It’s not going to happen.
This morning word got out that broadcaster Sky Italia was reporting a $2 million offer to Inzaghi from the Fire. A few other outlets ran with the news, nebulous as their sourcing may have been. And as a possible canary’s corpse in the story, Inzaghi was also linked to a youth development role at the club.
Aside from the development part, the deal made some sense. Chicago has a recent history of bringing in big ticket talent mid-season (Freddie Ljundberg, Neri Castillo). He also fits a perceived need, with Frank Klopas currently devoid of scoring options at forward behind Dominic Oduro.
Too bad it’s all a fairy tale. Reached this afternoon (Chicago-time), a Fire spokesman said there was no truth to the story, issuing a blanket denial.
My feeling: Unless something falls in their laps, the Fire are going to wait until after they integrate Chris Rolfe before entertaining the idea of another attacker. Injuries have kept the former Frie stalwart from making his full, post-Aalborg return. When he’s healthy, Chicago may decide to allocate their resources elsewhere.
Until Rolfe’s back in the picture and Chicago knows what their attack looks like, it’s hard to make an Inzaghi-esque deal.