Over the past couple weeks, thousands of words have been written and even more spoken regarding the highly-devisive rule proposal that would penalize teams if the ball is snapped before 10 seconds have run off the play clock.
The vast majority of coaches are against what has been dubbed “the Saban Rule,” even as the Alabama head coach claims he’s not the driving force behind it. One of the coaches decidedly against the proposal is Arizona’s Rich Rodriguez, with his football program taking a rather unique approach to voicing their displeasure.
Monday afternoon, UA unveiled a video that takes numerous not-so-subtle jabs at the proposal and the coaches behind it. The video is a spoof of the movie “Speed,” replete with “appearances” by Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves and starring RichRod in an Oscar-worthy role. Also making an appearance is a villain who some might say bears a resemblance to Bret Bielema, the Arkansas head coach who has been a vocal, foot-in-the-mouth proponent of a rule designed to slow down uptempo offenses.
Take a look:
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
The NCAA Rules Oversight Panel, which received a recommendation from the NCAA Football Rules Committee last month, is expected to vote yea or nay on the proposal this coming week, with most predicting the proposal will be shot down.