As reported a couple of days ago, an executive council of baseball’s owners yesterday agreed to give Bud Selig a two-year contract extension. It was unanimous, though later the Giants owners lodged a formal objection because they thought they were giving the 78-year-old Selig a two-year deal to play shortstop, not be the Commissioner.
I think it’s cute how they went through the process of making Selig leave the room while the matter was discussed in executive council and then went through the exercise of holding a vote. As if Selig doesn’t have a little remote control that can control every single one of them. If someone dissented, I’m assuming that there is something akin to Order 66 Selig has at his disposal to deal with the situation.
Anyway, congrats to Bud Selig for keeping the gig. He’s expected to be paid something like $44 million over the next two years. I know that times are tough, so hopefully that will enable him to retire at 80.