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Pirates and Casey McGehee avoid arbitration

Casey McGehee

Milwaukee Brewers’ Casey McGehee reacts after he was called out on strikes off a pitch by Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Casey Coleman, with two men on base, during the sixth inning of a baseball game Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


First Garrett Jones, now this. We are officially your go-to source for Pittsburgh Pirates arbitration news. Accept no substitutes.

Anyway, yes: the Pirates and their new third baseman Casey McGehee avoided arbitration by agreeing to a one-year deal.
The amount: $2.5375 million. Which makes sense. McGehee had requested $2.725 million and the Pirates countered with $2.35 million. So unless one of the sides was REALLY bad at negotiation, you’d have to assume that the final number was gonna be somewhere between those two.

Would have been awesome if it came in at, like, $375K and the agent got fired.