This isn’t like our friend OldHossRadbourn, tweeting from beyond the grave in an over-the-top manner parodying 19th century attitudes. Shoeless Joe Jackson’s Twitter account is a straight-up exercise by the Chicago History Museum and its archivist, Peter Alter, who is seeking to put some historically accurate words in the mouth of a figure most know only in caricature. Chuck Garfien of has the story:
Since Opening Day, the museum’s account has been tweeting for Jackson using the Twitter handle@TheShoelessJoe. There’s also a Tumblr account chronicling his life. Jackson’s first tweet on April 1 reads, “I know what everyone has said about me for years. This is the chance to tell my story.”
They’re doing it as if it were actually Joe Jackson tweeting, commenting on things in the way he might if he were still alive. At the moment there are only 150 followers or so. They’re trying to get more and keep the very interesting project going.
So if you’re Twitter-inclined, go check it out.