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The balls in Japan are juiced again

Katsuhiko Kumazaki

Last year a scandal erupted in Japanese baseballwhen NPB commissioner Ryozo Kato admitted that the league had doctored the baseballs in order to generate more offense. It was so bad that he ended up resigning in September.

You can bet your bippy that no one in Japan is gonna repeat THAT blunder again:

The commissioner of Japanese baseball has apologized after random tests showed the official ball is livelier than it should be.

The tests revealed that balls used at six stadiums on March 29 were livelier than they should have been.

Nippon Professional Baseball commissioner Katsuhiko Kumazaki says, “I want to apologize for causing a commotion.”

Kind of embarrassing that, for the second year in a row, the Japanese baseball commissioner is apologizing for the same thing. On the bright side, that’s two more apologies than Bud Selig has ever offered.