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The Rule 5 draft is over

Continuing where we left off earlier . . .

  • The Jays pick Zech Zinicola from the Nationals;
  • The Brewers pick Chuck Lofgren from the Indians;
  • The Cubs take Mike Parisi from the Cardinals;
  • The Rays take Armando Zerpa from the Red Sox;
  • The Mariners take pitcher Kanekoa Texeira from the Yankees. How many dim Yankees fans thought it was Mark?
  • The Giants take Steve Johnson from the Orioles;
  • The Cardinals pick Ben Jukich from the Reds; and
  • The Phillies take Kenneth Herndon from the Angels.

I take it back: if you know these people you didn’t draft them and you’re not their momma. They’re so anonymous that to know them you have be one of these people.