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Danny Granger is having a rough week


Friday night, Danny Granger sprained his ankle, keeping him out until the start to the season and maybe slowing him at the start of said season. But he’s a good teammate, still hanging with his team while his ankle recovers.

Well, he was going to.

Until he got pulled over on his way to the airport and… let’s let Danny tell the story himself, via twitter.

Heading 2 the airport 2 leave 2 Minnesota & a cop just pulled me over. Apparently my plates R expired! ths is the 1st time ive driven ths car in 4 months & ths happens!!

I missed the team plane and now I’m getting towed!!

Yep... They just took my car lol... Now I’m standing on the interstate lookin like an idiot lol

Yes, lol indeed. I’m sure that was Jim O’Brien reacted.

Maybe it’s best Granger and the Pacers get all their bad luck out of the way before the season starts.