Yesterday our own Ira Winderman said shame on the Hall of Fame for not having Don Nelson in it.
Today, Nelson said pretty much the same thing to ESPN’s Marc Stein (in a fantastic and wide-ranging interview). Particularly if they vote him in next year just for getting the all-time coaching wins record after skipping him for a number of years.
“If I don’t get it at whatever the number was when the season started [1,309], but then I did get in because I got to 1,333, shame on them. A few games shouldn’t make a difference. If that’s the thing that gets you to the Hall of Fame, shame on them.”
Not that Nelson cares that much.
“When I first had the chance to go in, I was kind of excited, but now that I’ve been skipped a few times, it’s not that important to me anymore. My life is going to go on. The way I look at the Hall of Fame, it’s for greatness and that ain’t me.”
It’s for innovators, and that is him. It’s for winners, and that is him. Nobody, not Nelson himself, is saying he is the best coach ever. But by any reasonable measure, the man is a Hall of Famer. Without a doubt. Not sure how he got skipped over that much.
Shame on them.