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Warriors star Kevin Durant confirms his real height on Bay Area radio

durant team usa

Golden State Warriors star Kevin Durant has been listed at a diminutive 6-foot-9 most of his career. The problem with that?

Well, according to reports -- and the eyes just of just about every professional basketball fan -- Durant appears to be taller than that. Like, much taller.

For example, a photo of Team USA from 2016 showed just how ridiculous that 6-foot-9 measurement to be.

Via Twitter:

So, just how tall is Durant?

During an interview with local Bay Area radio station KNBR, Durant finally revealed just what his exact measurements are.

“I was recorded at 6'10" and three-quarters with no shoes, so with my shoes on I’m 7-feet,” said Durant.

There. It’s settled. Kevin Durant is a 7-footer by any realistic measurement. Now you have something to argue about with your uncle while you watch Christmas Day basketball together.

h/t CSN Bay Area