There are products that athletes endorse that you can reasonably expect them to use. Naturally, Michael Jordan probably drank his fair share of Gatorade (or something similar) and probably wore his fair share of Nike shoes (although who knows, he might have actually worn other sneakers during real games). One can assume that Sidney Crosby can stand by his endorsement of Reebok products by skating with their skates and shooting with their sticks.
At the same time, there are products that you might want an athlete to shy away from, even if they are free to endorse them. It’s amusing to hear that Dunkin’ Donuts signed a deal with Boston Bruins rookie Tyler Seguin, but as endearing as it would be to imagine the youngster wolfing down an eclair or two, let’s hope he stays away from the fried pastries as much as possible.
Unless he wants to resemble Ron Dayne or take the hockey player fat joke torch from Martin Brodeur and Kyle Wellwood, that is.
Here are a few details from the related press release.
I applaud Seguin receiving an endorsement deal, but wouldn’t donuts make more sense for goalies Tuukka Rask and Tim Thomas? OK, I know that’s nitpicking, but I’m always looking for the next great/awful pun.