To celebrate the best moments of each week, we’ll put up a poll to see which goal/save/whatever was the most amazing of a given seven days. We might not always have one per day and sometimes there will be more than seven to choose from, but all you need to do is vote for your favorite.
Because putting a handful of videos in one post will bog down some internet connections, we’ll simply insert a link to each post.
March 14
Save of the Night: Niklas Backstrom.
March 15
Save of the Night: Henrik Lundqvist.
March 16
Save of the Night: James Reimer.
March 17
Save of the Night: Dwayne Roloson.
March 18
Save of the Night: Al Montoya.
March 19
Save of the Night: James Reimer (again).
March 20
Save of the Night: Anders Lindback.
Vote for last week’s best save in the poll below.
[polldaddy poll=4761947]