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Take a look at FIFA’s ridiculously good 2015 World Cup poster


Based on the initial reaction to today’s newly-unveiled 2015 FIFA World Cup poster, you’d think all was forgiven between the public and soccer’s world governing body. Or, at least, you’d think women’s soccer become a thing in some minds for the first time ever. While that’s certainly not the case, for a brief moment in Rio de Janeiro, FIFA seemed like an organization capable of some legitimate joy and hope, if not outright respect for the women’s game.

Such is the power of well-executed art, and with the unveiling of the poster for next year’s women’s finals in Canada, FIFA’s has executed its vision well. They’re also created some early buzz for an event that’s now 11 months away. Attempting to capture Canadian multiculturalism while alluding to the nation’s vast, diverse geography, the tournament’s organizing committee has delivered an inspirational portrait of strength, pride, and beauty:


From today’s unveiling, at the Maracana in Rio:

“We couldn’t be happier with the official poster,” said [National Organising Committee Chairman Victor] Montagliani. “It’s such a dynamic piece of art that truly captures the spirit and beauty of the women’s game and Canada’s cultural mosaic. We can’t wait to bring it home to Canada and share it with all Canadians.”

FIFA Marketing Director Thierry Weil said: “The poster forms a key part of the visual identity of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015 and perfectly captures the extraordinary diversity of the host nation. I’m sure this will help to generate even more excitement as we move towards the tournament.”

If there’s one issue the immediately comes to mind, it’s quantity, not quality. For Brazil 2014, each host city eventually had its own poster. For Canada 2015, there’s still time.

At 24 teams for the first time in tournament history, the 2015 World Cup promises to be the biggest women’s event in FIFA history. Come the quarterfinals, it could also prove the most competitive. Though the United States and Germany will again be favored come June 6, 2015, Japan will be the reigning world champions, while a series of emerging (or, in some cases, resurgent) challengers should make the top of next year’s tournament the most competitive in World Cup history.

Somehow, all of that is captured in this poster; then again, any superlative we want to bestow on the event would fit with such a strong, positive image. For casual fans of the women’s game, it’s reason to start the countdown. And for devotees, it’s reason to think FIFA may be looking at the opportunity through a new, inspired lens.